Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Rough Patches in life...

Hey guys, in this blog in going to be writting about my teenage years... They weren't the greatest as you can tell from the title but I'm willing to share it with you guys..

So when I was in grade seven I started becoming quite popular I'd say..  I hung out with the cool girls and whatever else.. I finally fit in. Well fitting in was probably not the best choice from me and I probably could of avoided a lot of stupid choices I made in the up coming years. Girls when your mother tells you that someone is no good for you... Do not ignore her MOTHERS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT!!!! Yeah my mother warned me over and over and over again that these "friends" were not my friends... Boy was she right.. But of course teenagers rebel, lol I went a lot more then rebelling. Whatever, I started hanging out in parks with lots of girls and guys, peer pressured in to smoking cigarets. From here my life just kept going down hill. I started arguing with my mother a lot , who really just wanted to best for me (sorry mom, love you <3). And then the stupid relationships came.. I dated someone when I was like 14 who was a lot older then me, who had a child . BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!! I will not get into details about any of these relationships because I do not like to talk about this time in my life .. And then 15 dated another guy who was abusive towards me, and I actually needed to get a restraining order... Crazy right ? Girls please please please learn from me! A man who doesn't treat you good does NOT deserve you! Do not stick around cause they usually never change maybe the odd case but abusive men especially DO NOT CHANGE! Okay throughout this couple years I was spiralling outta control... I lied about where I was what I was doing who I was with... I just wanted to finally be accepted by a guy for me... Seemed impossible at the time . My current boyfriend and the father of my child is who met me when I was a mess, and he honestly was def not the type for me in the beginning. I'll write our story in another blog... But he stuck by me and helped me get on track with my life.. I started relaxing the more people I let go the better I became.. I don't know how to explain this well but, he like saved me from possibly hitting rock bottom... Hitting any lower then I was. I got into the partying phase and wanting to be out everywhere all the time .. You name it blizzard I was there, thunderstorm COUNT ME IN... My mother always told me she could never keep me inside. Any who.. Once I stopped hanging out at parks with my friends the negativity slowly disappeared.. I was also getting old and those scenes were getting quite boring.. Since I was also in a serious relationship with my current boyfriend he helped me move out of all the madness.. I stopped hanging out with about 95% of the people that got me into trouble, I started college and I got my life back on track.. My mother and I also started developing a rather close realtionship.. I wasn't lying anymore, I was bascially working and going to school everyday, or with my boyfriend. 

Let me just say one thing.. Friends that gossip about other to you and doing the same thing behind your back! I had a couple of friends that said my boyfriend was no good and if I dated him they wouldn't be my friends. That folks, are not TRUE FRIENDS... 

Well, lessons learned.. I no longer hang out with a lot of people, I have a few close friends and that's about it.. 

Hope you enjoyed :) 

P.S : Listen to your mothers, mothers are always right :) 

Goodnight :D

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