Thursday, 27 February 2014

Becoming a Mom

Hey everyone! This blog post is going to be about how much being a mom changes your life. 

Once you become pregnant you already know your life isn't going to revolve around yourself anymore. But it really doesn't become reality until you give birth. Forget about doing your hair perfectly, your make up, going outside whenever you want, eating when your hungry, peeing by yourself.. It's not going to happen.. Lol! 
Showers? Taken at night when avah is down for the night. 
Makeup&Hair? Done in 30 mins while she's asleep.
Washroom breaks? Most of the time while I'm holding her.
Shopping? Maybe once a week with her, she likes to be held so mostly holding her and shopping at the same time. 
Sleep? Forget about it. People say sleep when the baby sleeps.. If you do that you'll never get anything done. Nothing!!
Sleeping in? HAaaa, not happening.
Cooking? Avah is usually in a carrier on me, or I cook when she's asleep. So yes sometimes I'm eating at 9pm.
Blogging? During naps. 
Point is it's not easy.. Everything changes. I had a really easy time when avah was a newborn. She slept a lot. Now that she's getting older... Boy oh boy.. She doesn't like to sleep often... 

Now just imagine yourself everyday doings, but now add a child to it? 
Would you be able to continue doing everything you've done? Probably not.
I mean it's completely worth it, I love my daughter. 

If your in school that's another thing to think about. I was in college and had to stop, cause I have a baby to take care of. School plus baby! No way 
Friends? Forget about it, you'll loose so many individuals when you have a baby cause you can no longer go out every weekend.

Pretty Manicure? Won't stay pretty too long. Lol first day I get my nails done they are ruined in about 1 hour ethier broken or not shiny anymore! Lol 

Your 100$ clothes? Don't even think about wearing that around a baby! Your bound to get it ruined with something !!! 
( pee, poo, drool, puke) SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN LOL!!!

Cellphones and IPad? Apparently are theirs not yours... 
Watching tv? I'm always watching disney junior... DRIVES ME INSANSE!!! 
Cleaning? When the baby is sleeping.

Lol now see how many things I've mentioned that I do when she's sleeping? And she doesn't sleep sometimes or takes two 30 min naps a day!!! crazy right??!

It's the most rewarding job ever don't get me wrong, but once your a parent it's not like a day time job, where you clock out at 5 and have days off. This is a 24 hours a day 7 days a week job! You don't only have to think for yourself now you thinking for yourself and your baby. 


Thanks for reading :D

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