Tuesday, 25 February 2014


It's time I discuss something a little different , something that has probably been discussed many many many times... 

Bullying is wrong! Honestly why must people break other people down to feel a sense of satisfaction in their lives? This his horrible. I mean I see girls on my instgram (mothers mostly) ripping eachother apart... I'd just like to say, what if that was your daughter or son being treated that way? What if you had to hear your children crying because society just wouldn't accept them for who they are? I know bullying hurts.. It cuts deep wounds that can't be fixed all the time... People commit suicide daily because people are being horrible human beings... ATTN BULLIES: my question to you is why? Why rip people apart? I've asked this question many times and there's always an answer, " she's a slut" "he's stupid and ugly" "she/he dated my ex boyfriend/girlfriend" " she's emo" "she sent out nudes" STOP ALL THE JUDGEMENT... Do you know this persons full detailed story? Have you taken the time to figure out why they are acting out? Most bullies would say no to that. So instead of ripping people apart why not try and help them! HELLO EVERYONE OUR CHILDREN ARE GROWING UP IN THIS SOCIETY!! What they see is what they'll do. It's up to us to change that.. Take a stand, if you know someone who is getting bullied help them out, don't be a by stander.. 

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