Monday, 24 February 2014

My Pregnancy & Labor Story

Hey everyone I decided to let you all in the details of my pregnancy & labor ! 

So, I was a pretty miserable pregnant person.. Lol I mean I was huge, moody, puking everyday and super hot all day long! So those all combined can make someone pretty miserable.. Well at least it did for me! I found out I was pregnant at 6 weeks. My symptoms I noticed were unusual breast pain, sleeping anywhere and everywhere, nausea and the most obvious missed period. Well as time went on, I gained weight very very fast, I was only 115 pounds before I got pregnant and I quickly was very very big! I'm not joking about it ethier I retained ALOT of water. At the end of my pregnancy I weighed 180 pounds... This actually made me very depreseed during my pregnancy. I felt like a whale and it was something im definitely not use to at all. I mean picture it in your head I'm about 5'3 in height and 180 pounds ... My mom, boyfriend and bestfriend/cousin constantly reassured me that I was having a baby so this was NORMAL. But I never listened. Anyway, my doctor had told me I was due September 30th 2013... No matter how much I had told her that she was wrong and I was due sooner (September 23 2013) she insisted saying I was having a "big baby". Ok so I'm already terrfied that I'm having a baby at the age of 19 and delivering this baby, but now my doctor had put in my head that I was going to have a sumo wrestler for a baby.. GREAT..   As if wasn't scared enough. My mother kept telling me she didn't think I was having that big of a baby. Nethier did I to be honest. But after finding outmy boyfriend   was 10 POUNDS WHEN HE WAS BORN I was postive my baby girl was going to be huge !! LOL! 
Now along with depression I was constantly worrying I was going to have a still born.. Don't ask me why. But it was my worst fear and I literally made myself sick because of how much I thought of it.. I searched google about it once, the results were horrifying!! (I know, stupid me for reading google)... But hey I couldn't go talk to my doctors about this they'd probably think i was insane. I did get over this phase after a while. Thankfully!! Now I was pregnant all of SUMMER.. This I think was the most horrible time of my pregnancy... I was always extremely hot, my feet were constantly balloons and I was carrying DOUBLE THE WEIGHT THEN I NORMALLY DO.. All I'm saying people is , you should already give your mother a high five for carrying you 9 months , but please IF THEY CARRIED YOU THROUGH A WHOLE ENTIRE SUMMER WHILE IN THEIR LAST TRIMESTER PLEASE GIVE THEM A DOUBLE HIGH FIVE!! It is not easy... Lol . Pregnancy cravings were riduclous. I craved this portugese soup called "soupa de feijao" it's a soup that is made with beans and vegetables.. I made my poor boyfriend go on hunts for me for this stupid soup... We never had luck UNTIL one day we walked into a portugese chicken place and they had it.. Oh my I was the happiest person on earth! Finally I got the soup I've been craving for three weeks!! When I had finished the soup my craving was still not satisfied.. So I asked my boyfriend to please go get me more but this time with specfic instructions "ask for more beans". He did not wanna ask for more beans Cause that's obviously embarrassing, but the great boyfriend that he is, he asked for more beans just for me (awwww). I never really craved anything else to be honest except spicy foods and big glasses of milk. There came a point in my pregnancy I no longer could stand and type of meat or fish. It made me wanna throw up just looking at it.. For some odd reason I couldn't eat cereal ethier ... Every time I tried I puked (gross). Phew, I am so glad that not liking meat was only during my pregnancy! Okay okay. So now let's talk about my labor.. 
I was 38 weeks pregnant and was already completely finished with being pregnant... I wanted this baby out.. Nothing had seemed to work though. I walked, i did sqauts, I ate pineapple, I eat extra spicy food. Still nothing. One night my boyfriends sister was driving me home. She took Eglinton down, my oh my did this street have so many pot holes, and she drives a car that's quite lowered... I swear this is what putme into   labor. At 3 o'clock am on Wednesday September 18 2013 I woke up with cranky feelings like I needed to take a poop (sorry TMI) .. I didn't actually need to. Just pee. When I went to lie back down the pain started again. So I'm thinking to myself, just great I have Braxton Hicks at 3am! So I just stood there cause lying down was much too painful and started timing them... Oh, they were 5 mintues apart... So I held off thinking ok this is going to stop... UHHH noo.. The pain was so bad I started crying.. I then went to tell my mom.. Lol she didn't believe I was in labour , she said you sure.. I kept saying I didn't know... Just in case I was being tricked or something. I told her I'm gunna try taking a bath.. Well that didn't go to well . It hurt like HELL TO SIT DOWN.. I was thinking to myself I need to go to the hospital I should call my boyfriend . He is the hardest person alive to wake up outta his sleep.. Thankfully I caught him before he was going to work. I got to the hospital at 5:45am with contractions 30seconds - 1 min apart. When I was being examined the nurse said to me that she doubted I was anywhere past 1 cm... Well when she checked me I was at 5cm.. She almost fell backwards.. I got admitted to delivery right away. It was no becoming real, I wasn't going home being pregnant... This terrified me. Luckily I got to the hospital when I did cause about 7 ladies walked in right after me in labour! When I got to delivery room I couldn't sit, stand walk NOTHING I was crying. This was the worst feeling and pain in the world.. I needed that epidural. I finally got one at about 7:40am and phew.. That is a life saver.. TO ANY MOTHERS WHO HAD THEIR CHILDREN WITH NO DRUGS CONGRATULATIONS YOUR LITERALLY A SUPER HERO! The nurses let the epidural kick in before checking me again. When they checked me I was at 7.5cm, this is when they broke my water. They told me to take a nap but I couldn't with that huge red clock infront of my bed... So I just waited and waited .. All of sudden I heard the monitor start beeping.. My daughters heartbeat was getting really low.. They started flipping me side to side.. They couldn't get it back up... Everything happend really fast after this... Suddenly my room was full of doctors and nurses my boyfriend mom and I started to panic... I was put on oxygen and the table was getting ripped open for me to start pushing.. I was crying uncontrollably.. I was so scared... My boyfriend and mom were re assuring me everything was going to be ok.. But I thought other wise. They ended up turning my epidural off. I was waaaay to numb which was why my daughters heart beat was dropping rapidly. So I started to push I blacked out while pushing, don't really remeber much except feeling my but coming off the table cause she was pulling the baby with forceps.. I only pushed for about five mintues. My beautiful baby girl was then born at 11:22am weighing in 6 pounds 9 oz and 19 inches long.. She was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.. Now I couldn't really hold her right after I gave birth since I was getting stitched up.. (They cut me and I ripped). When they were done and I was actually able to hold her, I almost fainted due to the fact I was extremely weak and exhausted . My poor bubba had bruising on her face from the forceps it broke my heart into peices. But she was healthy which made it all ok... Now I swear after labour was more painful then actually giving birth!!!!!! I couldn't walk, move, nothing... Oh did I mention I couldn't go pee by myself ethier? Yeah, I couldn't go... Cause of the stupid catheter they inserted.... Well I was numb for most of the day after giving birth pain only started to hit me at night.. I was now feeling it all.. The tyelnol wasn't working.. So they had to give me strong painkillers... That didn't work ethier... Instead I then started feeling a pain in my chest... Here I'm thinking I'm going to have a heart attack or something.. So a nurse came in and hooked me up to a bunch of monitors to see if my heart was the problem... It wasn't thankfully. I pulled a muscle in my chest from pushing... Ouch... I got released the next day with my baby girl. She passed all the tests with flying colours... I couldn't sit in my mothers car.. It hurt so bad so I was standing the whole time.. Lol. Thank god for my boyfriend and mom because if it wasn't for them I probably wouldn't have ever healed.... I spent the next three weeks in ALOT OF PAIN. But I think it was all worth it for the beautiful baby I got out of it :)
Here's a couple pictures;

9 months pregnant

Before I gave birth

Avah with her Daddy only a couple mintues old.

Avah and Mommy (me) about an hour old. 

I hope you all enjoyed reading this.. Till next time:D  


  1. This was awesome! I can so relate to many things you shared. Great blog! Keep on blogging, young moms out there need this kinda thing. It's funny and uplifting. Way to go!

    1. Thank you! You've truly inspired me to write.. :) xoxo
