I really enjoy this topic. A lot of people tend to have A LOT TO SAY ABOUT THIS:)
So my question is, why isn't everything in a house hold 50/50? I mean it's 2014! In almost every home man & woman work, but still only the woman has to cook? Clean? Take care of the children? Does this seem fair?!
No it doesn't. I've gotten into a lot of debates with people about this and sure if your wife wasn't working then it's ok to expect that from them, but what about the ladies out here who are working 5-7 days a week?! This is completely unreasonable.
Don't like washing dishes ? Nethier do I but it's gotta get done! Don't know how to cook? Me ethier, it's a learning process! Don't know how to clean? Bullshit everyone knows how to clean! Laundry? Easy!
And If you don't know how to do any of the things I listed then that's why we have google! I'm pretty sure about 90% of families have internet access daily!!!
I was raised by a single mother who did it all on her own, while still managing to give me everything I possibly wanted! She played mommy and daddy.. And guess what? I'm happy she did! Cause I enjoy working and making MY OWN money. I don't like using other peoples money even if he's my boyfriend. I've always been independent too.
All I'm saying is this is 2014.. Women are working twice as hard as some males . So no we shouldn't be expected to do EVERYTHING.
Thanks for reading ! Comment your opinions!!!
I totally agree!!... everything should be 50/50 if both are working ... if one works more often than the other maybe split 40/60 .. but nothings easy we all work hard even stay at home mothers/fathers .. being a parent is a full time job so there are no breaks so if your in a relationship or married and one works but not the other doesnt mean u dont help with the household responsibilities